Mrs. C's ART ed

A blog about Art, Art Education and all things related

Monday, December 21, 2015

Wrapping up the term!

Grade 4 has been doing plaster casting, after looking at Theo Jenson's "Strandbeests"!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Process! Wayne Thiebaud grade 3

Students stopped after they colored the "frosting" with cray pas.  SO hard to see shadows on our desks, so students put up their artwork on the white board, in the middle of drawing to have a look from far away!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Check Out Peabody Essex Museum in Salem MA... Strandbeest!! Awesome!!

New Year in Art Room!!

Above are pears the second graders  did from a small photo of a pear. We talked about shading with these three different mediums.

Left: First graders are working on self portraits!

In third grade we looked at "the False Mirror" by Rene' Magritte and created our own surreal landscape within the eye. We kept our focus on foreground middle ground and background.

In fourth grade we look at the piece by Ethan Murrow at the Boston 
ICA titled: Seastead and created a 1 point perspective sharpie drawing!
SEASTEAD by Ethan Murrow

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thursday, March 12, 2015

YAM (Youth Art Month) is Here! At my school we have artwork at the MAEA show in Boston and at the Chelmsford Public Library!

Opening is on March 22, 2015 from 12-4 so stay tuned for pictures!

Here is some work from the CPL show:

These sculptures are by grade 1 after they read the book: "Sandy's Circus" a book about the artist Alexander Calder

To continue this unit on Calder we looked at his wire sculptures and line drawings and did some Blind Contour Drawings!  The kids loved doing this and the work was amazing!

we also drew toy animals!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015